GCIC Roundtable Forum Concludes Successfully | China's Role at the UN Climate Change Summit
On January 8, the GCIC Roundtable Forum attracted nearly a thousand viewers and received almost 8,000 likes on its live-streaming platform.The Global Climate Innovation Coalition (GCIC) hosted the roundtable forum titled "China's Role at the UN Climate Change Summit," which wrapped up successfully on January 8. The four guests had attended the 27th Conference of the Parties (COP27) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change in Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt, in November 2022. They engaged in in-depth discussions with government officials, innovative enterprises, research institutions, and NGOs from around the world, offering forward-looking and professional insights into the impacts of climate change across various fields and perspectives.During the GCIC Roundtable Forum on January 8, the four guests shared exclusive experiences from COP27 with the audience. They discussed the platforms through which organizations and individuals can access climate-related information and support, encouraging young people to actively engage in climate action, which inspired many participants.
Countries Rally Around Climate Action
COP27, the 27th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, is an annual gathering aimed at achieving the landmark goals of the Paris Agreement under UN leadership. Held in Egypt from November 8 to 20, 2022, COP27 focused on implementation, adopting the slogan "Together for Implementation," and brought together heads of state and representatives of civil society to discuss strategies for combating global climate change.

China has repeatedly announced its commitment to achieving peak carbon emissions by 2030 and carbon neutrality by 2060, taking climate change seriously. Wang Xinchao, director of the Environmental Project Department of the China International NGO Cooperation Promotion Association, highlighted the key areas at the Egyptian climate conference and shared numerous insider insights from the UN side events and the China Corner. Beyond official information, Wang noted that many representatives from developing countries expressed admiration for China and a strong desire to collaborate with Chinese institutions. He called on Chinese youth to actively share stories about carbon neutrality practices and the Belt and Road Initiative, emphasizing that creating a carbon-neutral future requires everyone's effort.

the SEE Foundation, shared the founding vision of their organization: Alashan SEE was born from a seed of awareness. Years ago, a group of entrepreneurs recognized the urgent need for ecological restoration in Alashan, leading to the establishment of the SEE Ecological Association, which has now evolved into a leading institution that promotes environmental protection across the population. Lu noted that from COP27 to COP15, Chinese entrepreneurs have transformed from "intruders" in carbon reduction efforts to active "practitioners" of sustainable solutions.

Yao Zhe, director of strategic communication at the Green Innovation Development Center, discussed China's perspective and attitude toward global climate integration, highlighting the outcomes of technical negotiations in the climate field. Reflecting on COP27's intense agenda, she shared experiences from attending a media conference with Ireland's former president, where participants sat on the floor, and amusing images of weary delegation members resting on sofas. Yao acknowledged the collective efforts of countries in promoting sustainable development and urged the public to recognize the urgency of climate change.

Song Ankang, executive director of the Global Climate Innovation Coalition (GCIC), explained that GCIC promotes the achievement of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through three main areas: educating climate talent, developing innovative solutions, and connecting industry leaders. Regarding COP27, she shared three key observations: "sustainable art" revitalizes old materials, highlighting the importance of recycling; the situations of "voiceless" groups, such as indigenous peoples, in the context of climate change need attention, and GCIC will facilitate field research to learn more about these groups and their stories; and one of COP27's major outcomes, the loss and damage fund, will provide financing for developing countries affected by climate disasters. Last year, GCIC also actively responded to the UN's fundraising call, donating to flood relief efforts in Pakistan.
Audience Q&A with Guests
Before the forum began, nearly a hundred audience members submitted thought-provoking questions through a questionnaire, while live attendees actively participated in discussions via the chat. Moderator Zhu Yilin selected three representative topics for an interactive Q&A session with the guests:
Q: How can climate action be effectively implemented?
A: From a technical perspective, strong support for clean energy is essential; legally, countries need robust regulations for environmental standards; market mechanisms should be employed to ensure that companies face costs for carbon emissions while gaining benefits from carbon reduction. Everyone should take personal responsibility in addressing climate change and actively practice environmental stewardship.
Q: How can young people get involved in climate action?
A: Young people can enhance their knowledge of sustainable development by participating in climate change workshops, seminars, and innovation competitions. In terms of career choices and practices, they should support green enterprises; in daily life, they can adopt green transportation and consumption habits.
Q: What more can industrial enterprises do besides energy-saving measures and changing raw material applications?
A: They can choose clean energy sources, purchase recyclable raw materials, proactively engage in green transformation, and participate in carbon offset projects.
Lucky Draw Moment!
Audience members whose questions were selected are invited to add the GCIC assistant and privately send their address and contact information. We will send out prizes promptly!
Stay tuned for more exciting events from GCIC 2023!
- Annual High-Level Climate Summit in New York | Top experts await your participation!
- Youth Climate Change Innovation Competition | Bring your innovative ideas!
- Online Public Welfare Forum Series | Engage with leading guests!
- Special Offline Events in New York & Los Angeles | Industry leaders are here to chat!
In the new year, let’s start by joining hands to tackle climate change!