Welcome to the 2023 "ESG for High-Quality Green Development" Roundtable
At a time when climate issues are becoming increasingly prominent and green development is becoming mainstream, environmental, social and corporate governance (ESG) has become an increasingly important concept for all countries. In order to better practice ESG sustainable business development and strengthen the exchange and cooperation among politics, business and academia in this field, the Global Climate Innovation Center (GCIC) will hold the "ESG for High-Quality Green Development" Roundtable Forum in February 2023. The event invites a number of senior experts in the field of ESG to participate, aiming at at discussing the methods of enterprises practicing ESG, the development direction of ESG, and to conduct in-depth exploration on its macro situation and trends, institutional differences and practices, etc., which provide good examples and references for enterprises' green transformation. This roundtable welcomes all investors, experts, entrepreneurs, start-ups and scholars in the ESG field to participate. The topics of this event are comprehensive, covering three aspects: policy and environment, market and system, and trade and industry. The forum will reveal the situation of the total greenhouse gas emissions and carbon market operation mechanism of major countries, discuss different ESG standards and practices based on evaluation systems, and effective ways for companies to implement ESG in the US, and other hot topics.
Attendee Experts
The roundtable will be held at Columbia University on February 28, 2023. We are honored to have top experts in the ESG field, including:
(1)Prof. Giulio M. Gallarotti

Basic Information
Tenured Professor of Government at Wesleyan University
Co-Professor of Political Science, Columbia University
Research Interests
International Relations, African Americans, Foreign Relations, Global History, Imperial History, Intellectual History, Political History, Slavery System
Academic Achievements
He is a professor of government at Wesleyan University and a co-professor of political science at Columbia University. He is also a Visiting Professor in the Department of Economic Theory at the University of Rome (1994). He has published extensively in major journals in five disciplines: economics, political science, law, history, and business. He has also published an article in the Columbia Journal of World Business entitled "It pays to be green: The managerial incentive structure and environmentally sound strategies", discussing how environmentalist businesses can be truly profitable.
(2)Dr. Chao Yan

Basic Information
Founder and CEO of Princeton NuEnergy
Research Scientist at Princeton UniversityCo-inventor of direct lithium battery recycling technology
Academic Achievements
More than 30 high-impact publications and 40 conference presentations in the energy field
Expert in physical chemistry and battery materials
Successive entrepreneur since 2014, with extensive experience in business management and operation
(3)Guyan Liu

Basic Information
Guyan Liu is the Founder, and Portfolio Manager of Miles GL Capital Management, an ESG-integrated long/short equity hedge fund focused on global tech companies. Miles GL and Guyan have been recognized by multiple hedge fund databases/magazines, including Hedge Fund Journal's Tomorrow's Titan 2022, InvestorsChoice's 2021 Top Performing Global Equity Fund, and BarclayHedge's 3 Year Sharpe Ratio No. 2.
Before founding Miles GL, Guyan was an Investment Director at Cambridge Information Group, where he led the private investments in software, education, and data space. Prior to joining CIG, Guyan worked as an Investment Analyst for Invus Financial Advisors, a multi-billion European family office. Guyan started his career at UBS as a summer analyst.
Guyan holds both CFA (Chartered Financial Analyst) and CAIA (Chartered Alternative Investment Analyst). He earned his B.A. in Economics and B.S. in Computer Science from Shanghai Jiao Tong University and an M.S. in Management Science & Engineering from Columbia University. Guyan is currently the President of the Chiao Tung University Alumni Association New York Chapter. He also serves on the board of the Columbia Engineering Alumni Association (CEAA) and the board of the Absolute Return Investment Management Association of China (ARIMAC).
(4)Jiangang Luo

Basic Information
Mr. Luo is currently the manager of Cleantech Global Limited which was founded in 2014. He is also the managing partner of Prime Science & Technology, Inc., PNE Limited Partners LLC and a member of Tsinghua Entrepreneur & Elite Club. He is an investor for many CleanTech/Fintech companies over the last 10 years. From 2000 to 2006, he worked for Oracle as a Principal Consultant. Before 2000, he worked as a senior information system professional in various Fortune 500 companies.
Mr. Luo also served many non-Profit organizations since 2005 such as Chairman of Tsinghua Alumni Association in New York area, President of New Jersey Chinese Computer Professionals Society. Jiangang obtained his master’s degree in Computational Mathematics from Tsinghua University in 1994. In 1991, Jiangang got his Applied Mathematics and Conputer Science double degrees in Tsinghua University, Jiangang got his Computer Science Master’s degree from New Jersey Institute of Technology in 1998.
As space is limited, we strongly recommend that you pre-register for this event. Once you have completed your registration, we will promptly provide you with the precise location.
Meeting Schedule (Tentative)
6:45-7:15 pm Social Dining
7:15-8:15 pm Roundtable Forum
8:15-8:30 pm Q&A session
8:30-9:00 pm Socializing and Conclusion
The ESG Roundtable extends a cordial invitation to all organizations and individuals that are dedicated to sustainable business practices, corporate green transformation, and the integration of technology and ESG. To register for this event, kindly visit the following website or click “阅读原文” to complete the registration process:https://gcic.wufoo.com/forms/z3wgmr600spk9k/